Memo Template

Memos are becoming more and more obsolete since people tend to use email for more formal purposes at work, but it is good to know what they are in case you run across them in a work environment.  I also want to see how you follow a template as practice for the business letter format that is a little more complex.  Memos are a little more formal than emails but less formal than business letters, so the body of the memo should be brief and you can use the abbreviated format for the date rather than writing out the name of the month.  Check out the template below so that you can complete assignment #2.


TO:  All Business Communications Students

FROM:  Mr. Goldschmidt, Teacher

DATE:  8/26/15

RE:  Memos

I wanted to inform all of you that this is the proper format for a memo.  Notice that it is in block format, meaning that it is all justified to the left margin (rather than anything being indented) and that the headings are all capitalized.  Note too that all of our typed work must be done in size 12 Times New Roman font.  “Re” is short for the word “regarding,” so this should be the title of what the body of your memo is about.

Remember that your syllabus spells out who you are writing to and what your job title is (not teacher), and the subject of your memo is not “memos” as it was for mine.

Enjoy your day!


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